
  • The concept of sustainability is discussed in many circles, particularly when it comes to development. Sustainable development has been defined as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to met their own needs."

    India has the makings of a super power. Global powers are heading towards our great sub-continent introducing us to the latest technologies. Lifestyles are changing and with it has also come the kind culture that thrives on competition.

    Coke will have nothing to do with Pepsi. Bill Gates will have nothing to do with Steve Jobs. Each wants to be the best even if it means destroying the other! The kind of attitudes being fostered are dangerous to the whole environmental movement.

    There is no such thing as mine and yours in our environmental management today, it is ours! There we also no such as today tomorrow. When we all no such thing as today and tomorrow. When we all take a stand together we will see changes that can make an impact on generations to come. That is the heart of real environmental concern.

    The corporate culture not only fosters individualism, it is also in danger of ignoring environmental warning bells. Large quantities of resources are squandered. Enormous piles of waste generated. Pollution levels are on the increase and health problems aggravated. There is always the danger of our present development causing greater harm than good.

    PEAS is on the right track. Sowing seeds in the present to make changes for the future, the movement is committed to raising up men and women who will make a change in the world in the not too distant future. Impressions at this age are lasting ones, and we would like to carry on faithfully in our efforts to motivate children to become agents for the future.

    Dr. Ken Gnanakan